We can supply broadband and telephones through two different providers, ensuring that we get you the best broadband available in your area.
BT’s systems are self tuning. This is good and bad, depending on whose side of the fence you’re on. What it means for you, the business consumer, is that your line will tend to run at a slower speed because it eventually sets itself at the slowest speed on your line. That’s a little like your car running no faster than 60 on the motorway because most of the time the traffic cruises at around 60 mph. Even though you’ve paid for a car that can comfortably cruise at 150, it won’t. And that’s not fair. Well it’s the same with your broadband line.
The good news (for you), and what most businesses don’t know, is that any experienced broadband engineer (i.e. us) can tweak the line parameters manually, ensuring we get the best out of your line to give you the service you both expect and which you are paying for.
If you have VoIP telephone systems we can also tweak the line parameters to improve both voice call quality and the latency (delay between your caller speaking and you hearing it) which are often experienced on poorly configured Voice over Internet Protocol systems.
And, not forgetting traditional customers, if you want a more traditional phone line we can supply them too!