Last week we had a customer come to us with a broadband problem. The broadband was very slow, less then than 600Kb/s! They are out in the sticks a bit so this is really to be expected unfortunately.
Firstly we took over their broadband, then we went to site and replaced their micro-filter with a BT Openreach ADSL faceplate filter and a high quality lead to their router. Speed immediately jumped to 1Mb/s.
With some broadband parameter tweaking (we have access to this, with most providers it’s automatic and not as good a result) we managed to get it up to 1.4Mb. Its now usable but we have also added a router which can use a 4G mobile data SIM and programmed the router to route certain traffic over each connection. They get 8Mb/s over this connection, but some things are best done over the slower line for technical reasons.
However, now they have gone from virtually no Internet to a fully functioning system that can finally support their business. Happy bunnies all round!
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